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Prelude to Kenzie's Botanicals

Kenzie's Story

Wife. Mother. Herbalist. Birth Enthusiast. Homesteader. Nature Lover. Biomedical Engineer. Entrepreneur. Crocheter. Traveler.
As a child, I was always fascinated by nature. By the age of eight, I had my first microscope and I was looking at the cells of every living thing around me. As I grew older, I never swayed from nature’s path. It was not enough to become an expert in just one thing, I wanted to learn about it all!
I went to college and received degrees in Biomedical Engineering and German. I spent a year abroad and explored every country I could possibly afford. There were apothecaries on every corner in Europe that sold herbs and other natural remedies. I couldn’t stop myself from frequenting these places and reading every piece of information the shop had to offer (as long as it was written in English or German). I decided that I was more than a Biomedical Engineer- I wanted to become a Naturopathic Physician.
So after Germany, I applied to an accredited Naturopathic medical school and got in! I spent a year in medical school mastering classes like anatomy (with a year-long cadaver lab), physiology, biochemistry, botanical pharmacy (with a flourishing botanical garden), etc. I essentially learned how plants interact with humans.

I decided to leave medical school for multiple reasons, but especially because I did not want to be a busy doctor trying to pay my student loans back forever. I wanted a family- a BIG family.

In between medical school and motherhood, I was a high school biology teacher and then a clinical researcher. I worked on clinical trials relating to the COVID vaccine (yikes is all I have to say, I won’t elaborate here), cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, pain management, and dry eye. This did not fill my cup whatsoever, but I definitely learned even more deeply that I despise pharmaceuticals.
During my first pregnancy, I read all the natural books written for crunchy mamas. I poured my soul into learning everything I possibly could about pregnancy, labor, and birth. However, like most women, I overlooked the importance of the postpartum period.
I was supposed to go back to work after the birth of my first child, but my husband and I decided it would be best to have me stay home with the kids. I was being swallowed by postpartum depression and I finally decided enough was enough.
I got a therapist that listened to me and encouraged me to pursue my dreams. I really wanted to open a shop that supported pregnant and postpartum women. And, thus, the birth of Kenzie’s Botanicals.
I built this business from the ground up using all the knowledge and skills I had acquired over the years. Not only did I have a toddler running around, but I was also pregnant with my second. By the time she was born, Kenzie’s Botanicals was already flourishing. I am quite proud of this little shop and I absolutely love hearing how my products benefit mothers on their journeys.

Hold the Mother

Kenzie’s Botanicals is the beautiful flower that arose from the depths of my postpartum depression. I have always dreamed of becoming a mother. It is my favorite identity and I wear her with pride. But I have struggled in ways I could have never predicted, ways I still can’t put into words. The events after the birth of my son were nothing short of traumatic and it has wounded me deeply. Part of my healing is taking place on this platform. Everyone wants to hold the baby, but who will hold the mother? I hope that my products provide support to moms on this journey and ease some of the growing pains. I want to be the one that holds the mother in her most vulnerable state and cherishes her incredible power to bring life into this world.

Behind the Scenes: Our Instagram Feed!

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