All bracelets are ON SALE for the rest of June! Use code: JUNEBRACELET at checkout.


♡ Organic Herbal Teas, Tinctures, & Skincare ♡ Gemstone Bracelets for Mothers ♡ Labor Comb with Birth Affirmation, & More! ♡

Organic Skincare Products for Mom & Baby

Handmade Gemstone Bracelets for Mothers

Healing Crystal Energy to support women in all stages of Motherhood:

Organic Herbal Teas

Our Best-Selling Pregnancy Tea, featuring Red Raspberry Leaf and Nettles, is an all-purpose mama tea, used by our customers for:

More targeted herbal infusions include:

Carefully Formulated Herbal Preparations

Organic Herbal Tinctures

Organic Alcohol-Intermediary Oil Infusions

About Kenzie’s Botanicals

Kenzie’s Botanicals is the beautiful flower that arose from the depths of my postpartum depression. Sure, everyone has heard of postpartum depression. But no one can quite imagine what a mother is going through, unless you are that mother.
Everyone wants to hold the baby, but who will hold the mother? I hope you will allow me to be there for you in your most vulnerable state and cherish your incredible power to bring life into this world.

Every order is carefully packaged like a gift

Resources for Mothers

Community Offerings

A collection of people and organizations that provide support to women in Marion County, Florida. It’s so important to know your options when making BIG decisions, like the people that will support you at your birth. Please reach out to add to this list!

Recommended Reading

A list of my favorite books for crunchy mamas. Learn more about pregnancy, labor, physiological birth, postpartum, and parenting from a natural perspective. These books carry timeless wisdom, as well as concepts learned from modern research.

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